Friday, August 21, 2009

Let there be buns!! And then there were buns.

If genius is as they say one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration, then I must be a freaking genius! My feet hurt, beads of sweat are rolling down my overgrown side burns, and my glasses are sliding off my nose, but in the end it was all worth it. The art of bun making, three trials in all (32 total), is not so much an art as it is a form of water boarding (which by the way, we invented. Chinese water torture anyone?). From my prior experience as a voracious bun eater, I think there are three parameters to a good bun: white, fluffy, and melt in your mouth. Tastes great, less filling. Who wants to fill up on a bun when there's tasty pork to be had? It's like the mayo to the roast beef, gravy to the turkey, the magic carpet to Aladdin's tush, or my hand on your ass, oh wait, delete, delete, delete. Anywho, the picture above speaks for itself. I think I've finally gotten something I'm halfway proud of. The only problem now is getting consistent steaming action without the condensation causing blisters on the bun (yellow wrinkles on the surface).

Here are some tips:

1. Use canola oil because it's flavorless. White steamed buns should be mildly sweet. Period.

2. When the directions say to let the dough rise in a draft free environment (i.e. cupboard, oven, whatever), do it. If your kitchen is a bit cold put a bowl of hot water next to the dough. It helps alot.

3. Do not drip water on the buns while it's cooking or it will blister!!!

Check out our Facebook fan club, there are a lot more pictures there.

Lights out!


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